Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Defense of the Faith Hymnology: A Apologetical and Linguistic Hymnal for a Post-Millennial Reformational Awakening in a Gathering of the Peoples of the Earth in Straight Up Allegiance to the Divine Son of Man and His Scripture-Based, God-Speaking Divine Revelation in the Completed, Unabbable Word of Christ in the 66 Books Alone

A Defense of the Faith Hymnology:  A Apologetical and Linguistic Hymnal in an "Unecumenical Ecumenical" for a Post-Millennial Reformational Awakening in a Gathering of the Peoples of the Earth in Straight Up Allegiance to the Divine Son of Man and His Scripture-Based, God-Speaking Divine Revelation in the Completed, Unabbable Word of Christ in the 66 Books Alone (Just Begun Tuesday, October 22, 2013, But Editing and Adding As the Lord Permits)

by M.A. Petillo,
Bachelor of Divinity

Chapter 1:  The Jewish Hymnal and the Hymn of the Jewish and Global Messiah for Every Tribe, Tongue, People and Nation

Transliteration Hymnal:

Hoshia et amecha 
 Ashrei yoshvei veisecha
 Se'i-saviv eynayich
 Ozi vezimrat Yah,
Me'ayin tavo'a
 Yissa Ado-nai panav eilehcha,
veyaseim lecha shalom.
 Mi kamocha Ba'elim Adonai?
 V'ahavta HaShem Elohecha
B'chol l'vav'cha uv'chol naf'shecha
Uv'chol m'odecha
 Leyamim yafim yoter
 ומשיח הוא אלוהים, אדם מחדש לאהוב אותך. אמן

In English Words:

Save Your people
 Happy are they that dwell in Thy house,
 Raise your eyes and look around,
 The LORD is my strength and song, 
 Where did You come from 
 May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
and grant you peace.
 Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the mighty?
 And you shall love the Lord your God
With all your heart and with all your soul
And with all your might.

To better days
 And Messiah is God-man anew to love you.  
Chapter 2:  The Muslim Hymnal and the Hymn of the Trinity

English Hymn for Muslims:

 There was one Prophet who was God
He lived before He came
He lived sinlessly to make it count
For us who are unable to make it count
He died and rose again
This Prophet is Priest and King
No One Greater or Better Than Him
Who Lives forever and ever
A Man Who Is God and Redeemer
No shame in glory upheld by the infallible story
There was a man who they claimed went into heaven
Jesus rose from the dead but the other one is dead
Jesus conquered death and gained the glory
Now ascended on High for a throne of honor
Where everyone is submissive to Him
And saints come and bow before Him
Amen to the band of Jesus.

Arabic Hymn for Muslims:

  وكان هناك نبي واحد الذين كان الله
عاش قبل مجيئه
عاش بلا خطيئة لجعلها تعول
بالنسبة لنا غير القادرين على جعله العد
مات وارتفع مرة اخرى
هذا النبي هو الكاهن والملك
لا أحد أكبر أو أفضل منه
الذي يعيش إلى أبد الآبدين
رجل الله والمخلص
لا عيب في مجد أيدته قصة معصوم
كان هناك رجل الذين زعموا ذهب الى السماء
قام يسوع من بين الأموات ولكن الآخر هو ميت
يسوع انتصر على الموت وحصل على المجد
صعد الآن على السامي لعرش الشرف
حيث الجميع منقاد له
والقديسين يأتي وانحني اجلالا واكبارا قدامه
آمين إلى عصابة من يسوع.

Chapter 3:  The Roman Hymnal and the Hymn of the Unified Imputed Robes of the Lamb of God

Chapter 4:  The Scientology Hymnal and the Hymn of Repentance

Chapter 5:  The Mormon Hymnal and the Hymn of the Eternal Self-Existent Triune God

Chapter 6:  The Mind Science Hymns and the Hymn of the Christ-Taught Teaching of the Place of Hell

Chapter 7:  The Freemasonry Hymnal and the Hymn of the Local Church

Chapter 8:  The Jehovah's Witnesses Hymnal and the Hymn of the Eternal Deity of Jesus Christ

Chapter 9:  The United Pentecostal Church Hymnal and the Hymn of the Trinitarian Nature of God

Chapter 10:  The Churches of Christ Hymnal and the Precedence of the Completed Canon Alone

Chapter 11:  The King James Onlyists' Hymnal and the Plain Concept of Scripture in a Literal Meaning and Applications 

Chapter 12:  The Evolutionary Atheism, Theism and Agnosticism Hymnal and the Hymn of the Genesis-Creation, the Humility of God and the Power of Being Nature of God

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